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Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow to the north of us... Snow to the south of us...

As I'm writing this on Sunday night, we do have snow coming down but not like I thought it would be!  I went to the 7:30 service this morning and all was clear; by the time we got out between 9:15 and 9:30, the temperature had dropped and there were teeny, tiny widely-separated flakes floating lazily down.  My sister in New Jersey said it was snowing really hard and the wind was making it drift.  My niece in Fayetteville (NC) sent me pictures she took Sunday morning showing her 2-year-old playing in snow almost up to her knees!  Snow to the north of us..., snow to the south of us..., but here in the District we've had teeny tiny widely-separated flakes floating lazily down... until about two hours ago, then they stepped it up a notch. 

This is a picture I took from my front door, you can see the snow is starting to accumulate but it's not at shovelling level just yet.  Monday is my work-from-home day, so I won't have to worry about driving to work in whatever we get tonight. 

If you have family or friends returning home from being away for the holidays, I wish them safe travelling through the snow and a safe arrival home.  I think this guy has the right idea:

I was a very, very good girl this year, so Santa brought me a Wii for Christmas, but I couldn't get it set up, waaaaaah!! 

I even called Direct TV and, I have to give the guy credit, he worked with me for a very long time but we couldn't get it up and running. It must be something uncomplicated that I'm not doing right but we disconnected cables from one thing and reconnected them to other things -- there's an awful lot of cables back there! 

There are all kinds of ports on my TV to plug into, but not the right combination of red-yellow-white that I need for my Wii.  Wish me luck because "Wii want to play!"


1 comment:

  1. I'm not good at those things at all. I do hope you will be able to get it set up. (Do you think something is wrong with the Wii?)


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