I dove into my batik stash and pulled a dozen fabrics that looked okay together as a group, then sorted them into pairs that I cut at 7-1/2".
Isn't it funny ... the more fabric you have, the harder it is to go ahead and make a decision about pairing two up. At least, that's the way it is for me! I have batiks in lots of colors, but they all seemed to be either greens or browns.
I made cuts at both sides of the pair o' squares to give me three strips, then I cut the top and bottom of the middle strip...
next I moved the underneath portion of the middle strip to the top o' the set. One pair o' squares gives me two blocks each!
After piecing a dozen blocks I put the top together, but then I decided to make four more to make it a 4x4 layout.
I wish I'd chosen a different fabric for the border, though. And the two blocks in the top right corner ... not the best of friends! Whyyyyy can't.... whyyyyy can't we all just get along?
Now, the block below should go to the "what was I thinking?" department...
... those colors just won't dance together!
So that's what I was up to yesterday, sweating all the while. Sew forth and sew on til later...