
Welcome to my blog, we're talking about quilting and other good stuff. I'm glad you stopped by ... look around, add a comment, become a follower if you feel inclined, tell your friends about me, and come back soon!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Call me Imelda; all laid out

Have you ever seen so many shoes!??

I've been going through my closets and drawers, and donating used clothing etc. that can still be used.  I gathered these shoes from two different closets... some had been in there so long UNUSED that I hate to tell you how long it's been!  I had to ask myself two honest questions: (1) when's the last time you used this?  (2) when are you likely to use this again??  There were a few pair that I liked but by now my feet have changed, and they just didn't fit comfortably.

So, out they go!  The photo above has a total of 26 pairs of shoes, the ones in the shoebox are a pair of peau de soie shoes I bought -- I swear it must have been in the 80's -- and wore exactly ONE time.  I'd been holding onto them because I'd worn them exactly ONE time and I might need them again, but if I haven't used them in 20 years, I doubt I will anytime soon - out they go tomorrow!  And those are just the usable ones... I tossed out maybe half a dozen pairs that were no good!

And now, on to the good stuff ... quilting!

I've been diligently working away at my stars and stripes quilt between other stuff, and I've made significant progress...

I finished the last three stars, yaaay! 

I had finished de-papering the string blocks while watching Bonnie Hunter on QuiltCam one evening, so yesterday I took everything with me to the senior center to lay out.  I don't have much clear space at home to lay out a large quilt, and those tables in their conference rooms are a really good size!
The stars in the first layout I tried (above) just didn't do it for me... I was alternating light background/dark points and dark background/white points on the same row.  For some reason I couldn't make it look coordinated.

Then I tried my original thought -- all light background/dark points on one row, all dark background/white points on the next one.
I like this layout better!  Did you notice the out-of-place light block on the bottom row?

I could only lay out five rows on the large table but it didn't take any time at all to get everything in place.  After I had them laid out the way I wanted, I just pinned them at the sides and numbered each row. 

At home I sewed one row together just to keep it moving ... progress is good!

Be sure to check out my giveaway, it's winding down but you still have a day left!

That's it for now, have a great Friday, sew forth and sew on


  1. Good for you, thinning the shoe collection. I have been doing the same thing with shirts with the same questions.
    I like the second layout. I envy you the center. Today I took my + and X rows to church and after VBS was over, spread them on the floor to pick cornerstones. I sure could have enjoyed a table a lot better.

  2. Imelda... bwahahahahaha! I think I own like ten pairs of shoes. I do what you do every six months with clothes. I add the caveat that if it took more than a season to diet to fit into it, it goes.

    Yes, I love the new layout! Love all the COLOR!!!!!


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