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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Am I a slacker?

Three things to be happy about:
(1) remembering when
(2) hard peppermints
(3) great neighbors

This is my progress to date on Allietare - I pushed part of it aside so I can walk through the living room!

So, am I a slacker???

Nah - other things just claimed my attention is all!

Sunday they actually plowed our street, it was like looking down through a canyon.

The only thing is, they pressed a wall of snow against the cars on both sides of the street!

Went out Monday to ransom my car!

Somewhere under here there's a blue 2011 Honda Accord...

Getting there...

That's all I did before stopping, was getting wet feet and starting to sweat!

Yesterday, a pleasant surprise ...

Thanks, Eric!  What great neighbors I have!

And it gets better and better!

My neighbor across the street, Rachel, told me about the great stuff she finds when they take their stuff from the farm to the dump.

There's a little shed where they place things that are still good to use ... she's found fabric, clothing - even a quilt!

I told her to grab the 100% cotton shirts, people pay for those at the Goodwill!

She gave me a whole bunch that I can de-bone and cut into usable yardage.

Not only did she give me shirts, but she also gave me some ground beef from their cattle and tomatoes that she put up last summer.

I tell you, great neighbors are - great!

That's it for now, finish digging out today, help a neighbor out, sew forth and sew on...


  1. You folks had a lot of snow!! Yes, great neighbors for sure. What a treasure with those shirts.

  2. You might not be a slacker, but I am. I set in front of my TV during the whole snow storm, never looking out the window, just sat in my chair and tv out. I need make a effort to look at some fabric to make something, then I just put it back and watch more TV. Man I need help.

  3. Well, call me a slacker for five years. I have the fabric for Allietare. But have not cut it out. During the blizzard, I was able to finish two lap clothes and one faux vest for my daughters. My list is longer than that of our guild president. Quilters Anonymous here I come!!! LOLOL!!!

  4. I repurpose old shirts too - I am working on a log cabin quilt comprised mainly of Hawaiian shirt prints.


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