
Welcome to my blog, we're talking about quilting and other good stuff. I'm glad you stopped by ... look around, add a comment, become a follower if you feel inclined, tell your friends about me, and come back soon!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Guild meeting

Three things to be happy about:
(1) anticipation
(2) fluffy slippers
(3) fluffy pillows

When's the last time you replaced your bed pillow?  Say whaaaaat????  If you're like me, chances are it's time for a change!  There was a blurb on the news one morning about how often you need to replace your pillows ... I don't know what the time period was, but I'm sure it wasn't every 5 years (or when your pillow won't plump anymore)!

Now on to the good stuff!

I just love looking at quilts, don't you?  These are pictures I took at my guild's September meeting, two weeks ago.

Jackie likes to make free-form quilts and she knows just how to put the right pieces together, that make them pop!
She uses left over fabric, leftover blocks - whatever it takes.  These two quilts will be on display at the SewExpo in Fredericksburg, VA this coming weekend.

As one of our community service projects this year we're making pillowcase dresses for third-world countries; Azalia shows one here:

More quilts and flimsies:

It was another great guild meeting with wonderful people, showing beautiful quilts!  

Have a great day - sew forth and sew on til later!


  1. What a beautiful story and great video! Quilt on!

  2. You have a lovely group of very talented ladies.

  3. such a lovely story adn the quilts...inspiring to the max

  4. What a talented group of ladies. Thanx for sharing all the lovliness with us.


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