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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Testing, testing

Three things to be happy about:
(1) Rainbath shower gel
(2) guild retreat
(3) Outlander TV series

They're showing the second Outlander installment for this season, and oh my did they pack it down!  It didn't lose any important parts thank goodness, almost 20 years compacted into 2 shows.

Yesterday I gave you a peek at how I'm using some of the scraps from our retreat. 

I found a scrappy block I liked over at 15 Minutes of Play, and I even liked Victoria's bright yellow background fabric.  Here's two test blocks I've done so far:

Remember the longish, thickish crumb piece from yesterday? 

I made a few and cut them into 2" strips.  As you can see, these will have a LOT of seams!

My Companion Angle ruler came in handy to cut those QST's!

Each block needs 16 sub-units, to make 8 hourglass units to surround that center.

I'm still in the "do I want to make this" stage... it's a beautiful block and will be work-intensive.

I have a challenge quilt that's due in December, and a veteran's quilt due at next month's meeting.  Hmmmm....

We'll see, maybe regroup if necessary - sew forth and sew on!


  1. I look at those blocks and think of candy. Big bright boxes of beautiful happy candy! Love the yellow background, too.

  2. Made fabric takes a long time to 'make', but the affect is so striking.

  3. Very colorful ... but I'm glad I will not be hand-quilting through all those seams.


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